Learn how to configure and customize the Notification Settings in CoolAutomation's Professional App.
Go to professional.coolremote.net
1. Automation menu
To manage the notifications in the Professional App, click on the Automation option from the left menu pane
2. Notification Settings menu
Then click on Notification Settings from the left pane menu
3. Global alert priorities setup
Set the alerted events priority level by clicking on the Global Alert Priorities button.. This step is required only once if you wish to set the alerted events priority differently than the default setup.
4. Global Alert Priorities configuration.
Select the desired priority level for each of the event types
5. Save changes to the priorities configuration
Save the changes once you have completed setting up the event prorities.
6. New notification Group
To create a new notification group, click on the Add Group button.
7. Notification Group Naming
Give a meaningful name to the notification group
8. Notification Trigger by Priority
Notifications can be triggered either by the event priority or by a specific event. To trigger a notification by priority, Check the Alert Priority radio button and select a priority level from the dropdown menu. Notifications will be triggered for any event with the priority set in the dropdown menu and above.
9. Notification Trigger by Event
To trigger notifications by specific events, Check the Specific Event radio button and select the desired event.
10. Alerted Event Types
Select an event type from the left
11. Searching for Alerted events
click on the Click to add Automation Logic URL to select the alerted event from a list. Alternatively, search for a specific event using the search box.
12. Selecting Events For Notification
Select the desired events to be notified of and click "Add". Repeat the same steps for every event type you desire to get a notification for.
13. Access Recipient Configuration
To add recipients to the notification group, Click on the user avatar.
14. Searching For Recipients
Search for a recipient or click on the Add Recipients URL to select the recipients from a list.
15. Recipients Selection And Configuration
Select the recipients and the method of the notification delivery
16. Adding Recipients
Click on the Add button when you have completed the recipients selection
17. Saving The Recipients configuration
If you are satisfied with the settings, click Save to apply the changes to the Notification Settings.
18. Saving The Notification Group
Click on "Save" to save the notification Group
19. Notification Group Management Dashboard
From the notification management dashboard, you can enable or disable the notification group, and edit or delete it.
This guide covered the steps to configure and customize the Notification Settings in CoolAutomation's Professional App, including creating a new group, adding alerts, and setting up recipients.