Configuring the device Network interface

This article applies to the following CoolAutomation  products:

  • CoolMaster 
  • CoolMasterPro 
  • CoolMasterNet
  • CloudBox
  • CooLinkHub
  • CooLinkBridge


The video in this article covers the following device network interface configuration using the Quick installation Tool and terminal command

  • Setting Static IP address
  • Setting Gateway Address
  • Setting Subnetmask address
  • Setting DNS address
  • Setting DCHP address
  • Disabling the network interface
  • Enabling the network interface 


What do you need to test it out?

For performing all of the actions in this article, you will need the following:

  1. Network access to the Network that the device is connected to
  2. USB Type A to Type B for local network interface enablement
  3. Download the CoolAutomation Toolbox
  4. A computer with a network connection


The video below has captions, make sure to enable them when you view the video.


00:02: If the device isconnected to the network, Connecting to your device is done via the connection => Network menu. 00:04: Otherwise, use a local device connection with a USB cable to your computer. 00:08: If you know the Device's IP address, select Add device Manually option. 00:17: You can either reboot after each command or after you have set all of the network settings 00:21: Settings will be applied only after rebooting 00:26: Setting a Static IP address to your device is done with the ifconfig command and the IP parameter. 00:38: Once the device is rebooted, the IP address is set, and the connection to the device is dropped. 00:54: Click on Quit to leave the session and Use the Connection => Network menu to re-establish connection with the new IP Address 01:30: Setting the Gateway IP address using the ifconfig command and the Gateway parameter 02:12: Setting the Netmask IP address using the ifconfig command and the Netmask parameter 02:55: Setting DHCP IP address to your device is done with the ifconfig command and the IP parameter 03:50: Once the device is rebooted, the DHCP configuration is set, and the connection to the device is dropped 04:06: Click on Quit to leave the session and Use the Connection => Network menu to re-establish connection with the new IP Address 04:35: Disabling network communication to the device is done with the ifconfig command and the "disable" option. 04:51: Once the device is rebooted, the network connection is dropped and you will need to Quit the session 05:07: Configuring the device is done by connecting the device to a computer with a USB cable. 05:12: Use the Connection => Refresh COM ports to scan for the locally connected device. 05:21: Use the Connection => COM ports menu to select the locally connected device. and reconnect 05:42: To enable Network communication to the device, use the ifconfig command with the enable parameter.

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