CoolMaster FAQs

This article applies to the following CoolMaster products:

  • CoolMaster
  • CoolMasterPro 
  • CoolMasterNet

Q: Can Data analytics be done by Cool MasterNet to monitor service issues and manage energy consumption?

A: Yes. Enabling Cool MasterNet's Pro version will allow to perform analysis on the HVAC data for service purposes and energy management. This option is available for Daikin, Mitsubishi Electric, Hitachi, Samsung and It can be enabled on any existing device by activation string.


Q: Does Cool MasterNet support KNX?

A: Yes. By adding an extension PCB board, that can be mounted inside the CoolMaster, a direct connection to the KNX bus is enabled.


Q: Does Cool MasterNet support multiple port connection

A: Yes. This option allows to activate several HVAC lines simultaneously for increasing the number of supported indoors or supporting different HVAC brands on the same site. It can be enabled on any existing device by activation string.


Q: Does Cool MasterNet support GPIO functions?

A: Yes. CoolMaster has 4 digital GPIO, that can be configured for customized applications/functions. By default, GPIO A and B are configured for "All Off" and "All On" functions correspondingly, triggered by external signal.


Q: Does CoolMaster allow me to control both my ODU & IDU?

A: Yes. CoolMaster allows a wide range of capabilities such as:

  • Control and monitoring of all connected VRF Indoor units.
  • Perform control operations (increase/decrease temperature setpoint, fan setting, mode setting (heat, cool), turn unit On/Off, view room temperature, select desired lock functionality, and select temperature limits for cool and heat separately.
  • Reconfigure the device for different HVAC brands.
  • Turn On or Off all detected Indoor units at once (All On/All Off capability) or turn them Off or On individually.
  • View Indoor unit mode as indicated by the unit’s background color on the screen and its set point temperature.
  • View device’s settings and status: firmware version, Serial Number/MAC address, IP address, active local network connection and cloud connectivity status.
  • Change the device settings (Configuration, Network, and BMS settings.



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