How to update a CoolPlug firmware via a USB cable


To update a CoolPlug firmware, the following required

  1. Computer with the CoolAutomation Toolbox utility
  2. USB cable  - USB Type A to USB Type Mini B
  3. FW image file provided by CoolAutomation

To update the CoolPlug firmware follow the steps below

  1. Download and install the CoolAutomation ToolBox utility
  2. Connect the CoolPlug to the computer using the USB cable
  3. Open the Toolbox utility
  4. From the "Tools" menu, select the "Update Firmware" option to open the update firmware utility

  5. Click on "Load Image" and select the firmware image

  6. Click on "Update Firmware" and wait until the installation progress bar reaches to 100%

  7. Disconnect the CoolPlug 


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