This article applies to the following CoolMaster products:
- CoolMaster
- CoolMasterPro
- CoolMasterNet
Basic operational controls like Unit On/Off, Set Temperature, Fan speed and Unit mode can be performed from the main screen by selecting an indoor unit.
Select the desired indoor unit by tapping the ">" button to enter the unit and perform other control operations.
On the displayed screen you can change the following settings by tapping on the corresponding setting:
- FAN SPEED (options: Low, Medium, High, Top, Auto)
- Temperature Set Point (repeatedly tap the respective arrow to increase or decrease the temperature set point)
- Room Temperature indication (reported by the VRF system)
- Unit's mode
Tap the Mode setting to select unit mode (Cool, Heat, Dry, Fan, Auto).
* This sign is displayed only on Master indoor unit, which is responsible for system Cool/Heat transition, available only on Daikin.
To view the Cool/Heat Master screen, tap on the above-referenced sign (*). The screen on the left is displayed.
To enable the Cool/Heat master, tap on screen center. The screen on the right is displayed. The Master feature is only available and required for Daikin only.