This article applies to the following CoolMaster products
- CoolMaster
- CoolMasterPro
- CoolMasterNet
- CloudBox
For renaming Indoor units on the CoolMaster screen, follow the simple steps below:
- You will need the Setup Utility installed on your PC
- Connect to the CoolMaster either via USB or over the local TCP/IP network.
- Open the "Console" tab
- Use the "props" command as instructed below
Props Command
To change the names of the indoor units on the CoolMaster screen, use the command "props" followed by indoor unit's address, followed by the keyword "name", followed by a new CustomName.
The new CustomName is limited to 14 characters.
Example 1:
>props L1.104 name KITCHEN
Example 2:
>props L1.105 name OFFICE A
To clean out the existing table of props (delete all), use the keyword “delall” after the props command.
>props delall
To view all props configured, simply type in the command “props”.
UID | Name | Visi | Modes | Fspeeds | TLimit |
------- ---------------- ------ ----------------- ------------- --------
L1.101 | ENTRY | 1 | c d f h a | l m h a | -- -- |
L1.102 | GUESTS | 1 | c d f h a | l m h a | -- -- |
L1.103 | LIVING R | 1 | c d f h a | l m h a | -- -- |
L1.104 | KITCHEN | 1 | c d f h a | l m h a | -- -- |
L1.105 | OFFICE A | 1 | c d f h a | l m h a | -- -- |
L1.106 | OFFICE | 1 | c d f h a | l m h a | -- -- |
L1.107 | LOBBY | 1 | c d f h a | l m h a | -- -- |
Now you will see the new Indoor unit names on the screen of your CoolMaster - as shown below.