CoolMaster - Setting limitations on unit's temperature settings

This article applies to the following CoolMaster products:

  • CoolMaster
  • CoolMasterPro 
  • CoolMasterNet

Basic operational controls like Unit On/Off, Set Temperature, Fan speed and Unit mode can be performed from the main screen by selecting an indoor unit.

Select the desired indoor unit by tapping the ">" button to enter the unit and perform other control operations.


Tap the Temperature Limit Settings icon


Note: The limits apply on all control interfaces (Wired Remote, BMS, Home Automation, Coolautomation Apps suite).

  • Select temperature limits for Cool (1) and Heat (2) separately.
  • Select Low and High limits and tap Apply (3).
  • Tapping “Apply to Lxxx” (4) applies the limits to all units connected to the Lxxx line.


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