WIreless CooLinkHub & CoolPlug Installation

Important Notes

  • To successfully pair the CooLinkHub Wireless (WRLS) to the CoolPlug Wireless (WRLS), they must be in the line of sight proximity of one to the other (no more than 3 meters).
  • The CoolPlug WRLS is powered from the HVAC terminal. It can also be powered vis USB during the setup process (either from a PC or the CooLinkHub WRLS).
  • THe CooLinkHub WRLS can connect simultaneously to both wired and wireless CoolPlug units.


How to pair and connect a CoolPlug WRLS with CooLinkHub WRLS

  • On the CooLinkHub WRLS, Press the OK button
  • With the Up/Down arrow buttons, scroll to the "Wireless Reset" option and clock on the OK button
  • With the Up/Down arrow buttons, scroll to the "Pair reconn" option and click on the OK button after you have completed the next stage


  • On the CoolPlug WRLS, press the button 5 times (take one second between consecutive presses). A fast blinking red light is displayed while pairing to the CooLinkHub WRLS



* For reconnecting a paired device, this step is not required.

  • When pairing is completed, the red LED turns off and the CoolPlug WRLS immediately tries to connect to the CooLinkHub WRLS.
  • Once the connection is successful, the number of the connected CoolPlug WRLS is displayed on the screen in L5 GXXX, where XXX denotes a number 
  • Devices are now paired and connected 



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